Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption

Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption
Message from the CEO and Managing Director
Since 1978 until present, Aeroflex Co., Ltd. has been conducting business for almost 40 years with continuous growth and becoming the world’s leading manufacturer of EPDM elastomeric thermal insulation. Aeroflex Co., Ltd. is committed to morality, ethics, honesty and transparency.
Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy
Areoflex Co., Ltd. operates business with morality, loyalty, transparency and responsibility to society and all groups of stakeholders in compliance with good corporate governance and good governance principles. In addition, the Company holds on to oppose all types of bribery and corruption with the awareness that corruption is the serious disaster destroying the free and fair competition, and causes damage to the economic and social development system.